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Professional CE Courses

How difficult it is to massage a client who wants relief from back pain when you’re struggling with your own pain! Mary Ann's CE courses provides massage practitioners and bodyworkers with direct and relevant kinesiology applications for better body mechanics. They focuses on alignment, core muscle engagement, use of body weight and lines of force to maximize pressure while minimizing stress, breath support, and leverage.


Bodyworkers - sign up for private bodywork lessons in

neuromuscular patterning (NMP) skills for specific areas of the body.
Each 3-hour unit includes trigger point and myofascial release, muscle energy techniques for active and effective stretching, and joint range of motion.


Mary Ann is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider #450542-07. Each 3 hour course of unit offers 3 CEU contact hours.

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Align and balance your body

with private movement sessions

Your body will thank you for it.


Call today to schedule. 


Video recordings of zoom sessions

are available upon advanced request


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